Virtual interviews for Nannies – Dos and Don’ts

Virtual interviews for Nannies – Dos and Don’ts
Lockdown may be easing and the world may be reopening to us but virtual, rather than in person interviews, are continuing. There are numerous advantages to virtual interviews: they’re time efficient – there’s no travel time to interview locations which means families and I can get through more interviews in less time; there’s no crossover of nannies on the doorstep as one candidate leaves and another arrives; and there’s a definite end to the Zoom meeting – generally 45 – 60 minutes.
However, on the flip side, they do add to the interview process as it’s harder to have a ‘gut reaction’ on compatibility. In virtual interviews, it’s really difficult to see body language and gauge what people are thinking – this applies for all interviews regardless of industry. These days, nannies are having at least three interviews – one virtual with just the parents and then two in person, one with children, one without.
I am continuing to carry out some virtual interviews and so are families and over the last few months, I’ve put together some dos and don’ts. Here are my thoughts …
- Take the interview seriously. Just because it’s not in person doesn’t make it any less valuable.
- Dress appropriately – no pyjamas please!
- Please don’t eat a meal whilst interviewing – it’s not pleasant and again, suggests that you’re not taking the interview seriously. By all means have a drink – during an in-person interview, I normally meet in a café or hotel bar so drinks would always be offered.
- Be prepared – have certificates and any other relevant documentation to hand. If you are unsure what you might need, don’t be afraid to ask the family or me.
- Just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t notify people about having to cancel. Childcare agencies like mine and families have still set aside the time in the day to speak to you and it’s courteous to give them due warning if you can no longer make it.
- Try to avoid having other people in the room during the interview and if they are in the room, certainly don’t maintain a conversation with them whilst interviewing! Yes, it has happened to me.
- If you find virtual interviews challenging, be honest. By being up front, you are demonstrating integrity and honesty early on in the process.
I would love to hear your feedback on these points and if you have any more to add then please let me know! How have you found interviews over Zoom?