Happy Birthday East Green Child Care!

Happy Birthday East Green Child Care!
I can’t believe that this month East Green Childcare is 24 years old and we’ve been nominated for Best Nanny Agency 2020 in the UK Nanny Awards! What a great birthday present!
It’s been a busy 24 years for me – I gained a husband, now have two lovely children as well as the time I’ve invested in growing the business. But just in case you were curious (or maybe nosey!), here’s how it all began …
For those of you that don’t know me, I was a nanny before I became a business owner (and mum!) so I really can understand the nanny’s point of view. I qualified as a nursery nurse in 1991 with an NNEB (Nursery Nursing Examinations Board) Diploma with distinction from Crawley College of Technology & I started working for a family straightaway. I stayed with them for five years and during this time, I wanted to add to my childcare qualifications and so studied for a diploma in Child Psychology too.
East Green Child Care Services was established back in 1996 after another nanny & I realised that we could use what we’d learnt to benefit others – both our nanny colleagues and other families. We started out working together but our lives took different routes and I took on the business alone in 1997, covering Kent, East Sussex and South East London.
The agency’s mission was then, & remains, that we will do our utmost to find the perfect child care solution for a family, no matter what that family’s needs: from babysitters to maternity nurses and everything in between! I pride myself on really listening to families when they contact me & taking the time to understand their needs.
During my child care career, I’ve had a variety of roles – live-in nanny, daily nanny, temp nanny, maternity nurse, nanny share and, of course, being a mum! I welcomed my two children into the world whilst working as a nanny and running the business, so I can empathise with anyone who is juggling work and family! But being a mum also gives me an insight into what it means to find the perfect person to bring into your family and look after your little ones.
As sad as I was to say goodbye to the family I worked for, in 2006 I decided to dedicate myself to the agency full-time. The business has grown year-on-year since then & my bespoke approach to childcare continues. I place emphasis on quality – I always aim to place the perfect nanny for each family and often the nanny stays for several years. I relish the challenge of finding a nanny for a family with particular needs and thanks to my network of nannies, can always find someone who fits the bill – maternity nurses, nannies for twins and triplets, part-time nannies, nannies for school holidays – you name it, I can find the right nanny!
When I started out as a young nanny, I didn’t think it would result in me having my own business and being a ‘mumpreneur’! I love my job and I’m so proud of the business that I’ve established. It’s great when I receive positive feedback from my clients and I always appreciate the repeat business and recommendations.
Next year the business will be 25 – such a milestone! A lot has changed in that quarter century, not only for me but for everyone – I’d love to hear what’s changed for you in that time and what global/cultural/political (anything really!) event sticks out since 1996 for you. Had JK Rowling published “Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone” in 1996? Facebook definitely hadn’t been invented! Did you own a mobile phone?! Let me know, it might just feature in my birthday blog next year!
Right, I’m off to eat some cake – happy birthday East Green Child Care!
To discuss your childcare requirements or employment requirements please call me on 01732 838417